How to use this course

Be kind to yourself

Above all else, this is the most important thing.

Kindness is an innate human quality, and can show up in a million different ways. Use this course to explore what kindness means to YOU. Kindness doesn’t have to be forced, it is not another thing we ‘have to do’ – instead it is about tending to ourselves and the connections in our world every day with love and compassion.

Move at your own pace

Whether you can devote 5 minutes a day or 5 minutes a month on your self-kindness practice – whatever time you can spend is totally fine. Every time you show up you'll stretch those kindness muscles, and be more practiced than you were before.

We’re great believers in the power of the micro-dose, so all our modules have been created to be bitesize and not too time-intensive. Grab a module when you can.

Drop any expectations on yourself to complete the course in a certain time, or even to complete it at all. You'll have lifetime access to the course, so you can always come back to things.

Take what feels good – leave the rest

We believe you are the person who knows best what works for you and what doesn’t.

There isn't a prescribed order to the course, so you can jump about between modules depending on what you feel drawn to.

Try things out, adapt as needed, take what feels good and leave the rest behind.

Find your own version of self-kindness… it’s the kindest thing you could ever do for yourself.

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